Media-savodli bo'ling!

  • Tasnif

Internet safety

Avtor: Нарзуллаева Малика Мухитдиновна


Davomiyligi: 45 минут

Урок английского языка для 10 классов, тема Интернет безопасность.

Date___________ Grade 10 ___                                                                  Subject: English

Theme: Internet safety

Objectives of the lesson:

Educational: to raise awareness of media literacy vocabulary; effective ways of using new vocabulary

Developing: to practice reading and listening for main ideas, to develop speaking skills and communication competences

Socio-cultural: to raise awareness of Internet safety and ways of keeping safe, strategies to be applied while using social media

Upbringing: to enrich students’ knowledge of being respectful to other people, using polite language

Learning outcomes:  at the end of the lesson pupils will be able to use media literacy vocabulary, will know basic rules of online safety

Type of the lesson: introducing the new topic

Interaction: group work, pair-work, individual work

Method of the lesson:  Communicative Language Teaching

Equipment of the lesson: Textbook “English 10”, pictures, handouts, internet (YouTube), a laptop, an LCD projector



Part of the lesson




Greeting part

- to greet pupils

- to check up the register

5 min


Repeating the previous lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson

– to ask words from previous lesson

5 min


Explaining the new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme

20 min


Consolidating the new theme

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme

10 min



- to mark pupils

5  min



- to give a home task



The procedure of the lesson:

I. Greeting the class: greeting the class, checking attendance, season, weather, checking the preparation for the lesson.


II. Asking homework:

- to check the hometask given on the previous lesson;

- to review the words learnt on previous lesson.


III. The main part of the lesson.

Work individually

Activity 1 Decide whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE.

1. Information on the Internet can always be trusted to be factual. It wouldn’t be online if it wasn’t true. __________

2. Websites must have my permission to put online any personal information about me, like my phone number. __________

3. If I want to know something about a stranger that sends me an instant message, I can check their profile and trust that information. __________

4. Communication is basically an exchange of information or meaning, but there are multiple different models of communication. __________

5. Commercial media are businesses and therefore their first priority is turning a profit, not informing or entertaining their audiences. __________

5. I can always trust e-mails and attachments I get from friends. __________

6. The point of media literacy is to make consumers aware that all sources of media have bad intentions. __________


The answer key:


Activity 2. Match the words with their pairs.

Work in Pairs




on twitter








in a photo/tag


update your




write a








tag someone




social media










in touch



      The answer key:  1-e, 2-b, 3-i, 4-d, 5-g, 6-j, 7-c, 8-, 9-h, 10-f


Activity 3 Pre-watching activity:

Work in groups

1. How long do you spend on the Internet every day?

2. Which social media do you use? Which features of social media (instant messaging, news feed, photo posting) do you use?

3. Do you mind if people tag you in photographs?

4. Have you ever regretted posting something on a social media?


Activity 4 While watching activity:

Work individually

Watch a short video on YouTube and

1) put the missing words, while watching the video.


Do you always trust media? Do you check their __________1? Listen to this conversation and learn about media literacy vocabulary.

How’s your paper going? You're writing about  ___________2policy, right?

Yeah? It’s going okay. I found a lot of different media sources, but they all say very different things. I’m confused about which ones I should use for my paper.

The important thing is the credibility of each source, or its ability to be believed or __________3. To start, you want to think about who wrote the information and who the audience is. A writer might present information in a certain way  __________4to an audience. You should also check if the writer uses  __________5and gives information that’s supported by research.

I'll do that. Thanks for your advice. I want to make sure I don't have any misinformation or disinformation in my paper.

Let’s look at some of the media literacy vocabulary in this conversation.


The answer key: 1- credibility, 2- environmental, 3- trusted, 4- to appeal, 5- real sources


2) Match the words with their definitions:


1. Media

a) is the ability of a news story media outlet or source to be believed or trusted.


2. Credibility

b) is false or inaccurate information usually not created or shared with harmful intent.


3. The audience

c) is false or inaccurate information deliberately created and shared to cause harm.


4. Misinformation

d) are electronic or print communication channels through which news information, movies, music and advertising are shared.


5. Disinformation

e) is the people who read, view or listen to different types of media.


The answer key: 1-d, 2-a, 3-e, 4-b, 5-c


IV. Consolidating the new theme

After watching activity:

Discuss in Groups



How do you check the credibility of media?













VI. Homework

1. Make a list of vocabulary which you have learned today.

2. Activity 6. (Textbook, answer the questions).

VII. Evaluation. Giving marks